Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ten Tip Tuesday- Prepping for Turkey Day

It's the week before Thanksgiving.  Family's coming to YOUR house for the event and you have no clue where to get started.  Or maybe you just need help collecting your thoughts and putting a plan on paper. I have found some great tips and printables to help you out!!

1.  This tip is kind of wasted on me.  We don't have a formal dinner set up.  Ours is buffet style so everyone grabs their plate and loads up on all the yumminess.  But if you are little more formal (or you want to start a formal dinner tradition),  DuoParadigms has a great infographic that tells you everything from how to set your table, to passing food correctly (didn't know there was such a thing!) to making turkeys out of napkins!  Since it's a graphic, it is super easy to follow when it's time to set the table.

2.  Set your menu (like yesterday!):  If you have not set up your menu plan, it's not too late.  Just don't look at any "Planning your Thanksgiving meal" things on Pinterest since most recommend it should be done 2-4 weeks before the event!  I personally would advise against trying out new food items.  If you have NEVER cooked a pumpkin pie, next Thursday is NOT the time to attempt it.   If you are cooking the entire meal, keep it simple for your sake.  Use sides that you are comfortable with.  Here is a great organizer.

3.  Double check with your guests:  If you asked your guests to bring side dishes, double check with them.  You want to make sure you don't end up with 2 (or 3) of something.  Unless it's pie...there's never enough pie!

4.  LISTS!!: Make lists to keep your sanity.  Plan your meal on a list.  Write your grocery list.  Make a list of what your guests are bringing.  Make a "to do" list of things you need done like cleaning out the fridge.   Hang them up on the fridge so you know where they are.  If you are complusive, you could make a copy for your purse too!  That way if you think of something while you are out, you can add it!

5.  Grocery shop TWICE:  When you are making your lists, make one of non-perishables and one of perishables.  Buy your non-perishables at least a week before.  Then you can go a day or two ahead of Thursday and get all your perishables and anything you forgot the first trip.

6.  Table Ready?:  Get your table ready the night before.  Get out all the good china and nice table linens.  Press the table linens.  Set your table.  If you don't have your tablescape done, no worries.  Here's a simple one that you can pull together.

7.  Cocktails:  Needing a few drink recipes to go with your appetizers?  I blogged about 5 great ones that I am sharing again here.  Make sure to add the ingredients to your grocery list!!

8.  Slow Cookers:  These may be the best invention since sliced bread!  Slow cookers will cut down on your stress of burning something or not having it ready in time.  I found some great slow cooker recipes for sides.  You won't have room for everything in your oven.  The slow cookers will give you space in your oven for that all important bird and dressing!

9.  Leftover Containers:  Don't worry about getting dishes back!  Make sure to stock up on take home containers so EVERYONE can take some leftovers off your hands!  Here are some really cute printables from I Heart Naptime.!

10.  Shower and take time for yourself!!:  So you've been up since 5am working and your kitchen (and you) are looking pretty rough!  Is that how you want to be seen by your guests at the table?  Allot yourself time to get cleaned up and gussied up for the big day.  That way you look as calm and collected as our friend here. Her nail polish isn't even chipped!

I am sure I could go on and on about prepping for Thanksgiving.  But at least, this gives you a good starting point, right?  Remember above all, relax and enjoy this time with your family.

Hugs y'all!

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