Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Best of Wonder Woman Wednesday

This time of year I am trying my best to get re-organized and re-energize.  With the kids going back to school, it seems like a good time.  Usually by the end of the year, I have fallen through with the organization part and start back up again with the new year.  Last week, I wrote about our new family cleaning schedule (which seems to be working!).  I thought I would revisit some of my posts that were geared toward getting the home organized, cleaned and running like a well oiled machine.  If you missed the weekly cleaning schedule, here it is.  It has a printout in case you are interested.

Another issue that can arise when the kids go back to school is meal planning.  The best way I found to do it is sit down and plan (loosely) for the entire month!  I sit down with a piece of notebook paper and number it 1-30 (or however many days are in the month).  I have my calendar right beside me so I know when we are gone to one of the kids' sporting events.  I find the corresponding dates on my notebook paper and mark "out" on those dates.  Then I take into account which days I work late.  Those are the nights that dinner maybe simple (like chicken nachos, hot dogs etc) or the hubs cooks.  Finally, I take my recipe binder and start planning meals for the rest of the month.  It sounds much more complicated than it really is... I PROMISE!!  Once you get your favorite recipes down, it is easy.  The last step is grocery shopping.  I usually go to Costco once a month to buy bulk stuff.  Then our local grocery store for smaller items.  Visit "Oh Snap! What's for Dinner?" to get more info and there's a picture!!!

We tend to get busy with the new school year and forget about ourselves.  That's why this school year I have started taking a more conscious effort to relax a little.  My favorite thing to do is a nice hot bath.  I used to shoot for Friday nights but that never usually worked.  This school year I have started a Sunday night tradition.  That's right... 2 nights means it's a "tradition."  We'll see how long it lasts!  Another one of my most favorite posts was making sure to take a break for you.  It's been over a year since I wrote this post but it's something we need to be reminded of frequently.

These were all posts that I thought were relevant to the craziness that comes with a new school year.  If you don't have kids in school, it's still a good time to recharge your batteries before holiday season starts (which will be here before we know it!)

Hugs y'all!

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