Monday, August 31, 2015

Make Up Monday: Lip Scrubs

I have had chronically chapped lips for a few weeks now.  I thought I was addressing the problem with the assorted lip balms and lip repair serums.  But each morning I would wake up with dry, cracked lips.  I was playing around on Pinterest the other day (that's code for "wasting an hour that I should have been doing something more productive") and a pin about lip scrubs popped up.  Oh my gosh!  Why didn't I think of that?!  I use a hand sugar scrub whenever my hands are dry.  Why wouldn't I use a lip scrub for my dry lips?!  DUH!!  Below are some lip scrubs I found that sounded like heaven on my lips.

1.  Homemade Lip Scrub:  I tried this out and loved it!  Simple-edible oil, sugar and honey.

2.  Raspberry Lemonade Sugar Scrub:  The recipe in this one makes enough for a body scrub.

3.  Peppermint Mocha Lip Scrub:  This one is for all you coffee loving folks!

4.  French Toast Lip Scrub:  For all you who could eat breakfast all day!!

5.  Lemon Honey Sugar Scrub:  Sounds really good and will be going on my list to try next.

My advice...Mix you up one of these great little scrubs.  Draw a nice warm bath (either a detox bath or use a scented bath bomb), apply the scrub to your lips, and lean back for a relaxing time.  With most the scrubs, you rub on and wipe off.  Since my lips were  SUPER dry, I applied the scrub twice during my bath.  Your lips will feel amazing!  Mine were so soft and not peeling at all.  Plus the rest of you will be feeling pretty amazing!

Wishing everyone a great week!!
Hugs y'all.

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