Monday, June 2, 2014

Make up Monday- Get those nails ready for summer!

It's June 2nd and we haven't had any days with 100 degrees or higher here in Texas (or at least in my area).  However, we have been dealing with the dreaded "H" word-HUMIDITY!  So of course flip flops are on everyone's feet.  Before you pull out yours, let's make sure your feet are looking good.  I am kind of OCD and like for my nails to coordinate with my toenails.  I don't want them to be the same color; just complementary of each other.  So I surfed the web (aka Pinterest) and found some great cheat sheets. I even used one of the color combinations just on my fingernails (red and gold).  There's a few things to keep in mind when going for a mani/pedi.  You can't go wrong with using complementary colors (colors that are opposite on the color wheel; think back to elementary art class) or monochromatic tones (light tone on your nails and a darker tone of the same color on your toe nails, or vice versa).
Check this one out from  
See the monochromatic scheme with lavender and dark purple!!  I am slightly obsessed with lavender right now!!

Here's another one from
 I personally love the orange/white combination (Hook 'em Horns!!!!!!) and will probably sport that one during football season.  Mint is so hot right now that I think it would look good with just about everything...especially a bright pink!

So next time you are at the salon, pull up this blog to help you pick out a great color scheme.  Or you can just choose them according to their name (Guilty as charged!)

Hugs ya'll

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